
Suzuki Adventure Ride – Bathurst 2018


Suzuki is inviting adventure riders to join us on our two-day Bathurst adventure ride departing from Lithgow at 9:00am on 26th May.

Saturdays 240km route will traverse through the Central Tablelands via Ganbenang, Jenolan, Dickmaloi and Oberon just to name a few. There will be an opportunity for participants to test ride the all-new V-Strom 650 & 1000 range to complete the afternoon.

Sundays 240km stint will start at the Family Hotel in Bathurst passing through Duramana, Turondale, Crudine concluding at Capertee.

The Suzuki Adventure Ride Bathurst Cove 2018 is free to join and there will be prizes up for grabs along the way.

Participants must register for the ride by emailing their First Name, Last Name, Mailing Address, Make/Model & Phone Number to motorcyclemarketing@suzuki.com.au or alternatively can book via calling Matt on (03) 9931 5500.

Once registered Suzuki will post out all instructions and a commemorative registration decal for the ride, join the Suzuki Adventure Riders community to keep up with the latest.

Accommodation can be booked directly with Family Hotel in Bathurst. www.familyhotel.com.au or contact the hotel on (02) 6331 1353. Participants also have the freedom to arrange their own accommodation elsewhere.  

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