Info Recalls

Suzuki Australia —Suzuki GSX-R750 & GSX-R1000

September 30, 2014
PRA No. 2014/14349
Recall No. REC-001231
Campaign No. SRC14-01
Date published: 30 Sep 2014

Product Description

Suzuki GSX-R750/Z/L1-L4 & GSX-R1000/Z/K9-L4

Identifying features

Selected VIN produced from 2009 to 2014.

What are the defects?

Under certain circumstances the left hand side drive chain adjuster may deform and move forward, causing the drive chain to make noise or fall off the sprockets and possibly damage the engine casing.

What are the hazards?

If the defect occurs the vehicle may lose drive, resulting in a potential traffic hazard.

What should consumers do?

Suzuki Australia will contact all affected consumers via mail. Consumers will be directed to contact their Suzuki Dealership.

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