Info Recalls

Suzuki Australia – Suzuki LT-A750XPM0, LT-A500XM0, LT-A500XPM0, LT-Z50M0-M1, LT-Z90M0-M1, LT-A400F-M0, LT-F400F-M0 and LT-F300FK4 All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) MY2019-2021

March 23, 2021

Identifying features

VIN (Vehicle identification number)
See attached VIN list


What are the defects?

The products do not comply with the Consumer Goods (Quad Bikes) Safety Standard 2019.

The quad bikes have not been fitted with the required reflectors, compliance certificate labels, hang tags. Required information is missing from the owner’s manuals.

What are the hazards?

If the quad bike is not fitted with required reflectors or if users are not provided with information relating to the stability of the quad bike, there is an increased risk of serious injury or death to the user.

What should consumers do?

Affected owners will be contacted by direct mail. Affected owners should contact their nearest authorised Suzuki dealer to arrange for an inspection and repair of the vehicle.

For more information, consumers can find their nearest authorised Suzuki Dealer at  https://suzukimotorcycles.com.au/range/atv/

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